If you're a regular follower of this blog you may have noticed that I've reduced my output in recent months. I'm not writing less - in fact I may be writing more than ever before, but I have diversifed my outlets so that I have less time to spend writing specifically for the blog.
One major factor in this change has been Twitter. In many cases it's much quicker, and just as effective, to write a brief Tweet than to go throught the formaility of structuring a blog post. Tweeting allows me to communicate more information, more quickly. You can follow me on twitter @robtannen (and also via Linkedin). Also, any blog post I write here will automatically generate a Tweet, so you can keep up that way as well.
Beyond Tweeting, I am still writing lengthier content for several different channels. This includes design blogging at FastCompany.com. And continuting to contribute via books, magazines and speaking engagements as usual.
In January, 2010, Designing *for humans will be five years old. That's a long time in blog years. I plan to continue with the blog as a central place for publishing key information about my activities and publications. Suggestions and advice are always appreciated.
Have a happy new year.
P.S. I'll be attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, researching user interface design trends. If you're there, feel free to get in touch.