I've been talking about SizeChina ever since I heard Roger Ball present at the 2007 IDSA conference. Subsequently, his effort to create reference anthropometric data of Chinese heads and faces for product designers has won an IDEA Gold award for research. The project made valuable discoveries regarding key differences between Asian and Caucasian head sizes and ratios, that have not been consistently accommodated in the design of eyewear, protective headgear, medical/dental products, etc.
Finally, the products from the SizeChina project are commercially available from Certiform. These include a set of 10 representative solid headforms (pictured). You can purchase the set for $20k or a single on for $2500.
The detailed data sets (3D scan files and measurements) are also available at various prices/package levels, ranging from a 12-person "light version" for $399 up to almost $15k for the complete data set of over 1500 scans.
Certiform has provided a sample file set in Excel format to give you a sense of the level of detail included: Download Landmarks_data_sample. See the diagram below to interpret the data set, especially if you can't tell your tragion from your zygofrontale.