Here's the full scoop on the Design Research focus at the upcoming IDSA Northeast district conference in Philadelphia. The district conference runs from April 4-6, and the two-part design research part will take place on the morning of Sunday, April 6th:
- Presentations (around 9:30am): Conducting design research is essential, but how do you "design" the results of research? We've assembled a panel of professionals from industry and consulting to present the latest techniques in communicating design research. Speakers including Marty Gage (Lextant), Sunmee Kim (Motorola), and Art Swanson (Misys) will share their ideas and examples, followed by a question and answer session moderated by Rob Tannen (Bresslergroup).
- Design Research Portfolio Review (around 11:00am): For the first time, IDSA is holding a portfolio review session specifically focused on design research. This is open to students and professionals interested in getting feedback and guidance on their design research work. This can range from observational studies to usability testing or anything else that applies. You'll get expert advice from design research professionals in an open, collaborative forum - so nothing confidential please. This will be a subsection of the general design portfolio review where, so you can get your work reviewed from both the design and research perspectives.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly at [email protected]