The recent update to the DesigningforHumans site was covered in the December 07 issue of IDSA designperspectives. The page 3 blurb, titled "A Blog for Joe and Josephine", briefly describes some of the recent changes to the site.
Here's some additional detail above and beyond what's covered in the article:
I created the original IDSA Human Factors section site in 2000 (!), but at the time it was somewhat of a hassle to keep it current due to the available web editing technologies and it didn’t last very long. You can actually still access the home page circa 2000, although most of the links have rotted:
In January 2005 I restarted the site as a web log (aka blog) format because that accommodates quick entry of short to medium pieces of information that I could update frequently. It also allows people to subscribe to updates via email or RSS feed. It’s been going strong since then with page views increasing by 100%+ in every year since 2005.
A large part of the audience is international and non-IDSA, who use the site for reference info on human factors issues (it’s ranked pretty high for relevant human factor searches in Google and elsewhere)