Download pdtg_summer_07_newsletter_print_12_pages_web.pdf
The spring 2007 newsletter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's Product Design Techincal Group is now available. The issue features:
- General/background info about the purpose and goals of the group
- Call for nominations for the upcoming User-Centered Product Design Award
- Information about last year's award winners
and can be downloaded (PDF) -
Download pdtg_spring_2007_newsletter.pdf
"The Product Design Technical Group (PDTG) is dedicated to developing productsthat are useful, usable, safe, and desirable by applying the methods of human factors, consumer/user research,and industrial design. Members of the group are concerned with creating an appealing total user experience forconsumer, commercial, medical, andindustrial products and systems. Their work focuses on both physical and cognitive user interactions."