Here's a synopsis of the survey results we collected to provide input on the content for this site. Thanks to all who have responded. You can also view a more detailed summary of survey results.
- Site Users - Not surprisingly 84% of respondents designated themselves as designers. The next highest response was for project/product manangers (24%), and then human factors specialists (13%).
- Content - 92% of respondents were very interested in guidelines and data to support design decisions, 84% in methods and best practices and 71% in case studies. Suggestions for specific topics ranged from ergonomic and hardware design guidelines, to quantiative measures of emotion, and teaching tools for human factors. We will attempt to address all of the suggested topics in one way or another in the months ahead.
- Expected Usage - 47% responded that they are very likely to use the site, with 40% somewhat likely to use the site. 63% indicated that they would use the site on an as-needed basis.
- Other Section Sites - The most commonly visited other section sites were Desigh History (50%), Materials and Processes (50%), Product Development (44%), Medical (31%) and Universal Design (31%). Nearly half of the respondents (48%) indicated that they are not aware of other section sites.
- Site Updates/RSS - Over 97% of respondents had never heard of, or were not familiar with RSS (Really Simple Syndication) as a method of receiving site updates. We will follow-up with a posting explain the benefits and how-tos of RSS.
We've already made some minor updates based on the suvey responses and will be adding suggested content shortly, but we'll need your suggestions and input to continiously provide useful information. Please email Rob Tannen, [email protected], with ideas or contributions.
We also plan to share this information with other IDSA section groups so that they can improve the awareness and content of their respective section sites.